Terms & Conditions | Cancellation Policy
- Payment for product or services is due prior to the workshop date, during the booking process.
- Places are not confirmed until full payment has been received.
- Payment will be kept in its entirety in case of failure to attend a workshop without notice or for cancellation with less than 24 hours prior to workshop.
- For notice more than 24 hours in advance of workshop, a rescheduled date or credit note (valid for 12 months) will be offered.
- Full refunds will only be made in exceptional circumstances and at the owner’s discretion.
- If the owner needs to cancel a scheduled class, a credit note for another workshop will be offered initially or a full refund if that is not suitable.
- The owner accepts no responsibility for any damage to clothing during a workshop and advises to wear old clothing or protective apron.
- The participant/s are responsible for notifying the owner of any special circumstances or conditions that may impact the workshop. All information will be kept confidential.